Saving Lives Everyday!

REPHCO- Saving lives everyday... since it's beginning in 1968. 

We always pursue excellence in all aspects of development. We strongly believe that development is a continuous process. 

 Each and everyday, our team at the factory ( base ), administration ( policy ) and market ( sales ), totalling 1011,  work diligently and in adaptation with upto date practices and principles.
We are aware that the pharmaceutical industry is a vital one and each step we take can save or harm lives. Therefore we are always focused to produce and maintan quality life savers, i.e. medicine.  

In order to implement that goal, the company undertakes constant innovations to improve and upgrade manufacturing styles to meet Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) , as well adhere to a charismatic corporate culture. 
While . the processes are sufficiently significant, result or output is what reaches the customer. An uncompromising quest for quality that lasts is in each single one of us. With substantial growth potential , a quantum leap in capacities with  dedicated people , is in the pipeline . The momentum is with us, which we firmly believe will propel us to the top, among the best, and in the deepest chambers of our mind, The No.1 pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh. The future is ours and yours too! 

We have set a vision to be recognized as one of the leading pharmaceuticals manufactures in Bangladesh through manufacturing of high quality of medicine. We aim to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction through the utilisation of our state of the art technology, in terms of machineries at the factory. 

The star quality award, a prize for producing quality medicine, which we won in 2012 at Geneva  is a symbol of our abilities and we believe we can further enhance ourselves. 

Who are we and what can we do?

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Rephco Pharmaceuticals Limited

Address: 4 Gaus Nagor, New Eskaton, Dhaka-1000
Telephone: 02222225915, 02222224940, 0258315356


HRD Department: 01713389577

Give us a call!